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Cheat Sheets

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3Steps = 1Stop = 1EV

This cheat sheet lists all the camera settings along with a graphical representation what they are useful for. As the name implies, every small unit stands for one click on your camera. Every large unit for 1 Stop or 1EV.

Download here:

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You can share a small version on your website or social media (simply click on one of the share buttons below). Don’t cut the copyright notice or the logo!!!

Distributing (for free or paid) of the pdf is prohibited. You are welcome to link your photography friends to this page.

exposure values: 3 steps = 1 stop = 1EV

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Brightness Bars

The brightness bars try to be an alternative for the exposure triangle. The main goal is to make people aware that scene luminance is the most important part of exposure.

Download here:

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You can share a small version on your website or social media (simply click on one of the share buttons below). Don’t cut the copyright notice or the logo!!!

Distributing (for free or paid) of the pdf is prohibited. You are welcome to link your photography friends to this page.

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Brightness Square

The Brightness Square is an extension to the exposure triangle. It adds the most important part of exposure (scene luminance) to the equation. It is still not an exposure square because ISO is not a part of exposure

Download here:

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You can share a small version on your website or social media (simply click on one of the share buttons below). Don’t cut the copyright notice or the logo!!!

Distributing (for free or paid) of the pdf is prohibited. You are welcome to link your photography friends to this page.

The Brightness Square as an alternative to the exposure triangle

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The Real Exposure Triangle

The Real Exposure Triangle replaces ISO with scene luminance to name only the components that have a real effect on exposure (remember: exposing the sensor to the light)

Download here:

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You can share a small version on your website or social media (simply click on one of the share buttons below). Don’t cut the copyright notice or the logo!!!

Distributing (for free or paid) of the pdf is prohibited. You are welcome to link your photography friends to this page.

the real exposure triangle

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ND Filter Chart

If you ever played with the thought of buying an ND filter, you definitely have to read my ND filter guide.

Here is a chart for you that helps with the buying decision (which density to get) and with using it when you already own one.

It adds another level of easiness to the use of ND filters. If you have questions regarding this ND filter chart, please ask on the ND filter page.

Download here:

Copyright notice:

You can share a small version on your website or social media (simply click on one of the share buttons below). Don’t cut the copyright notice or the logo!!!

Distributing (for free or paid) of the pdf is prohibited. You are welcome to link your photography friends to this page.

ND filter chart by Wolf Amri

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Free Lightroom Profiles

Why Profiles Instead of Presets?

  • Presets are edits that can be done in Lightroom. Profiles on the other hand include effects that can not be achieved in Lightroom
  • If Lightroom presets are well made, they will not change the brightness of your image. So other than most presets, they can be used on any photograph. Instead they change the colours and how they are matched.  Profiles can easily be applied to give a set of images a certain feel.

How to use Lightroom Profiles

Watch the video below or follow these simple steps:

  1. Download the profiles below
  2. Unzip the package
  3. In Lightroom go to file – import develop profiles and presets
  4. Search the folder where you unzipped the files and select the .xmp files
  5. Hit import
  6. Find the presets right above the white balance slider (Icon on the right)
orange teal lightroom profile

The Teal Wolf series includes a set of 6 Lightroom profiles that make use of the popular orange-teal look. It is often used in night scenes of cities, but can also give you some interesting creative results in other situations.

Copyright notice:

Distributing (for free or paid) of the profiles is prohibited. If you want to share them with your photography friends, feel free to bring them to this page.

I created them with the goal of spreading the word about the “wrong exposure triangle”.

Before After
Before After

The Vintage Wolf series is a set of 3 b&w profiles that add that feeling of the old days. It doesn’t add grain, but that can easily be done in Lightroom and in no-time you get images of those old times.

Copyright notice:

Distributing (for free or paid) of the presets is prohibited. If you want to share them with your photography friends, feel free to bring them to this page.

I created them with the goal of spreading the word about the “wrong exposure triangle”.

Before After
Before After

Downloads FAQ

The downloads were created to spread the word about the wrong exposure triangle and help people learn photography easier in the future.

So the goal is to bring people to this site and make them read.

That’s why sharing a small jpg version of the cheat sheets is fine (see the share links underneath them), but please don’t share the pdfs and don’t share the Lightroom profiles. All of these tools are still copyrighted.

Please comment below. I will constantly update this section with new questions.

26 thoughts on “Download Area”

  1. Dear Wolf,
    Great work on the website, thank you for the freebies.
    I love FREE (as you may have noted in a few of my FB posts) and as such I wondered if the xmp files can be mapped accross to Rawtherapee pp3 files?
    I am simply an amateur and hate to pay for software!
    p.s. Here’s to the next 100k 🙂

    1. Seems like that requires a bit more reading than I thought. It seems to be possible, but I need to dig into it a bit more. I can easily create LUTs from the profiles or better said, I created the profiles from LUTs that I created (LUTs are color lookup tables). From these I can then create HALD lut PNGs that RawTherapee seems to accept. But it seems to be a pretty weird process. I need to check if I find something that is more straight forward. We’re in 2022 🤣. If you find anything, let me know. I’m happy to share the original LUT.

      1. Well I re-registered & was taken direct to the freebies download page.
        Thank you for investigating the potential for mapping accross the xmp files. The RawTherapee forums I have checked seem to indicate that there is no pre-built or easy solution – YET!

        1. Thank you, Carl. Great to hear the issue is solved! Enjoy your downloads. I too haven’t found any usable ways for RawTherapee to use luts. I hope that will change soon.

    2. Wolf, I hate to say this but man this is fantastic. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be part of this website, I am sure it’s going to be a massive help to me on my photographic journey.

        1. Don’t worry about it. Still enjoying all the content that you supply, it helps not just myself but all other members of the group.

  2. Absolutely loving this site, so much easier to understand. Thank you for creating this. I’ve been an avid follower of yours for a few years now. I get inspired learning from you

  3. Morning Wolf from a hot and sunny UK. Only just got round to reading all the stuff on idea why it’s taken me so long..but I congratulate you on an excellent series of charts and explanations. I don’t have an ND filter but your advice will help me immensely when I come to get one which I plan to do soon. Thanks again for all the help and support you give to us all.

    1. Hi David! Thanks so much for your feedback. Great to hear the tools are helpful. It’s been pretty cool here in the night: 13°C, so I’m currently sitting in the office with a hoodie 🤣. That will change soon!

  4. Thank you Wolf. I’m beginning to believe that you have more hours in a day that the rest of us. I really don’t know how you get everything done. What a fantastic resource. Thank you!!!!!

  5. Hi Wolf

    Thank you for the cheat sheets, they are a great resource. Quick question, where do I find the ficus stacking cheat sheet?


    1. Hi David,
      great to hear the cheat sheets are helpful. Oh boy, I totally forgot to upload the focus stacking cheat sheet. I need to check once I’m on the computer. Please remind me if I forget.

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